Thursday 13 July 2006

Tracking again, and imaging nightfall in time-lapse

After a period with clouded evening skies and/or no opportunity to track, last week saw some opportunities again. Yesterday and the day before I obtained images on Lacrosse 3, as well as IGS 1B, the latter having manouvred acoording to Pierre. I hope the good weather prevails, because Philip Mading mailed me a whole list with Lacrosse 3 flare predictions which I want to put to the test.

Yesterday night while tired and typing in the designations, I made a typo in the Cospar code for Lacrosse 3, which was diligently spotted by Russell.

Meanwhile I am still hooked by the time-lapse photography bug. Below is a movie showing nightfall over Cospar 4353, shot yesterday evening. Compressed into an 48 second movie is 4 hours of real time, starting 2.5 hours before sunset and ending 1.5 after sunset. The movie was made from 711 individual photographs.

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